====== Module Values ====== Here you will find descriptive information about the section of Module Values. * **Module values**: You can download the matrix of module activity values by clicking on //Module Values//. * **Heatmap**: A heatmap is a graphical representation of the values of a matrix. A not-supervised clustering is performed on the data per columns (samples). A good separation between the two colors of the upper bar of the heatmap indicates that the differences between the two groups are big enough to discriminate between them. * **PCA**: A Principal Components Analysis is performed in order to see if the matrix contains information enough to separate between the two groups. * **Module significance**: Ordered table of module significance. More significant module are displayed in the upper part of the table. For each circuit, the following information is shown: * **ModuleID**: This code is identifying the KEGG module ID and the metabolite which produced (last node of module) by the module (e.g M00036_C00164). If module is a loop like TCA cycle, a random node of the module is used as last node of module (M00009_R00342,R00361). * **ModuleDescription**: Description of the module. * **Pathway**: Name of the pathway which contains module. * **statistic**: Statistic of the Wilcoxon test performed between conditions. * **p.value**: P-value of the statistic test. * **adj.pvalue**: Adjusted p-value of the statistic test using the FDR method. * **Status**: Up when the module is up-regulated in the disease case, DOWN otherwise. * **StartMetaboliteID**: First node(s) of the module. Node(s)with zero indegree. KEGG metabolite ID. * **StartMetaboliteName**: First node(s) of the module. Node(s)with zero indegree. KEGG metabolite name. * **StartMetaboliteID**: First node(s) of the module. Node(s)with zero indegree. KEGG metabolite ID. * **StartMetaboliteName**: First node(s) of the module. Node(s)with zero indegree. KEGG metabolite name. * **EndMetaboliteID**: Last node of the module. Node with zero outdegree. KEGG metabolite ID. * **EndMetaboliteName**: Last node of the module. Node with zero outdegree. KEGG metabolite name. * **KEGGlink**: Link of the module on http://www.genome.jp/kegg/module.html